Frontend Website Service


See a detailed list of features included with the Frontend Website Service. Use the links below to jump to different sections of the website.

Announcements & News

The Announcement and News section allows chosen community members to create and publish posts on the website. This is all done from an administration area only available to chosen community members.

The post editor features all your usual formatting options and allows you to embed tweets.

It also features an “About the Author” section which will show the author’s profile picture, display name and their bio.

About your community

The About page will require a bit of input from your community as to what goes on it, including a bit of a description about your community.

A promotional or featured video can also be put on this page.

There is also a space to showcase your command team and give a brief introduction about themselves. Bear in mind that there is a dedicated command structure page for the team to be added to.


The Divisions page allows you to showcase your divisions to the public. Each division has a place to showcase themselves and you can also link to external websites such as Twitter if you would like.


The Partners page allows you to showcase the partners of your community if applicable.


One of the signature features of the Frontend Website is the Appeals section. Appeals are usually a messy and complicated business in communities, often utilising emails or another form of communication.

Not anymore. It’s as simple as the banned user opening a ticket on the website. Chosen community members will then be able to respond to the appeal and everybody will receive updates via email.

This is a secure process which requires the client to login each time they want to view or respond to their appeal.

Email hosting

Get unlimited custom email addresses with your website. You can login to each inbox using a modern and responsive web interface.

Got a feature request?

If you’ve got a great idea that you think would be a good addition to the website, please let me know, I’d be more than happy to consider it.